TwoSoulFox Studios

Entertainment for You!


Quia lives on her own and is suddenly confronted with information about the upcoming doom. Not ready to accept it, she sets out to discover ways to stop evil. As a Soul Dancer she is equiped with natural talent to learn magic which Quia can use in combination with swift thief talents.


Nata was born as the daughter of a master assassin and has lived secluded from the world. Now is the time to unleash her dormant Monk skills to devastate enemies of Querelia. Despite her strong offense, Nata has also trained to endure and her special knowledge helps to remove ceratin ailments from her teammates.


Ryo was found as a young child in the slums. Taught by the elders, his loyalty is theirs alone. But times are changing and he might have to use his Samurai talents for a bigger cause soon. Slicing and dicing the fierce monsters of Wentora, Ryo is able to draw attention and use arts that replenish his life force slightly. Woe, and all they saw in their final moments were crimson petals.


Brenna was brought up by forest spirits and moved to Carn as a teen to live with her small sister. Her Archery skill did wonders against the treacherous enemies in the nearby marshlands but they seem to fail to keep Ayumi from venturing out. By raining down on crowds, afflicting enemies with status effects or applying buffs Brenna will show who is boss.